up to

Ehdota määritelmää

Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


up to

  1. asianmukainen, pätevä, riittävä, vastaava, kykenevä, laatuunkäypä, sovelias, kelvollinen, kiireinen, puuhailemassa.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä




puuhailemassa against Against; next to; near; towards; as far as.

Go up to the counter and ask.

Ive read up to chapter 5.''

capable Capable of.

Are you up to lifting something that heavy?

ready Ready for.

Are you up to the challenge?

willing Willing to participate in.

Are you up to going to the beach?

As much as; no more than.

You can make up to five copies.

until Until.

''Up to that point, I liked her.

For the option or decision of.

It’s up to you whether to get the blue one or the red one.

Doing; involved in (with implications of mischief).

He looked like a man up to no good.

incumbent Incumbent upon; the obligation of; the duty of.

Its up to the prosecution to prove that the defendant is guilty.''

puhekieltä Considering all members of an equivalence class the same.

There’s only one rooted tree with two leaves, up to ordering.

within the authority or jurisdiction of


up to rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kaato, salakaato, kaskenkaato, tuulenkaato, hirvenkaato, karhunkaato, puunkaato, raato, rotanraato, rubato

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Ehdota määritelmää